MTV awards faux pas: Kim’s younger version appeared in the spotlight!

The world of showbiz defines tragedies a bit differently. In there you see faux pas in simply wearing the same dress for the same event. That’s exactly the situation from MTV Music Awards and professional celebrity Kim Kardashian was not happy about it. Right there, in the spotlight, she was facing a similarly dressed actress.

Kanye West’s wife Kim Kardashian is extremely sensitive about her looks. She loves exclusivity and attention. Unluckily, she failed her passions during the MTV music Awards ceremony. Right then and right there, she met an actress wearing practically identical dress.

And it was a clash, to say the least, you can decide who wore it better. Young Chantel Jeffries (23) can bring up a great sexy look and, compared to Kim, her body is also a different story. These two only have their great long hair and curvy bust in common.

The only difference you could spot when looking at these two ladies were accessories. While the controversial rapper’s wife chose black details, the young diva went for golden shines. We are simply not going to look for too many details since we wouldn’t find many, but one can guess someone’s not going to sleep well after this for a while!


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